Holistic health promotion in Hungarian schools (HHP)


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Holistic health promotion in Hungarian schools: short summary

In Hungary the holistic health promotion (HHP) for schools is prescribed by law since 2012 and it means a holistic, whole school approach where health promotion has to be part of the every day life of the school - with participation of the whole school, parents and the public environment. HHP contains four health promoting tasks for teachers to do in their every day work:

  1. Healthy eating - potentially based on local food products;
  2. Daily physical education fulfilling health promotion criteria and other forms of physical activity;
  3. Use of appropriate pedagogic methods (including also the use of arts) to enhance mental health;
  4. Improving health literacy and health competencies of the children.


After an insisting struggle from the side of public health followed by an effective intersectorial cooperation at the governmental level, holistic health promotion (HHP) in all Hungarian schools is prescribed by low since 2012. The aim of the presentation is to show how the intersectorial cooperation is working in Hungary for HHP and what are the challenges now. 

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